Friday 29 April 2011

Whose Are You Using

So pretty isn't it? 
Have you ever own something like this? 
Or have you ever had a consideration of having one of these? 
I bet most of you did. 
There's one question that stuck in my mind for very long time 
and I seriously don't understand. 
Why do people actually buy all these stuff ? 
To show off how rich you are? 
Or to show that you are the special one? 
To catch up with the trends? 
Do they really need it that much till they rather working days and nights 
and tie up their stomach for a few months to bring that piece of thing home? 

There really are people like that! 
Some of you might laugh or ridicule at them, 
maybe you will be the next one like them sooner or later. 
Who knows when the world is becoming more and more realistic that 
you need those stuff to show your identity? 
Before you purchase all these luxuries have you ever notice 
the tragedies behind the scene? 

Guess how many rabbits had sacrificed just to make one coat like this? 
More than 30 ! 
More that 30 rabbits' life just to make one! 
and there are more than thousand, millions of coat made of rabbit fur on this earth. 

Can you imagine how many life have to sacrifice 
and how much pain they suffer to suffice your vanity.  
Some seller even cruel, they will tear and cut the animal's skin when the animal is alive and in conscious! 
They said that this is to maintain the quality of the fur/skin and to keep in its best original skin shape of the animal. 
Imagine that if is our skin is torn apart from our flash? 
I am sure that non of us can stand the pain or would want to try it. 
How bout the animals? 
Do they really have they choice and what can they do other than struggling for chances, roaring for its terrible pain, hopeless groan...

When I was in secondary school, there was one video that I will never ever forget. 
My BM tuition teacher showed us this video, 
about how people extract bile juice from a bear. 
They don't kill the bears directly to get their bile juice but will inject a pipe from a machine into the its bile without any narcotic(to save money) 
to get continuous bile juice supply. 
They locked the baby bear in a small metal cage 
and started the process of bile juice extraction. 
The baby bear groaned so hopelessly and its eyes were so helpless 
and fulled of painfulness. 
The most inhumane thing was the mother bear of the baby bear was in another cage besides the baby bear's cage. 
How could a mother witness her own child is in such pain without doing anything even if it is an animal. 
The most incredible thing happened, the mother bear forced pull open the metal cage that it was locked in it and ran to the cage that locked the baby bear in. 
Using the same method to open the baby bear's cage, the mother bear hug it's child and then kill the baby bear with it's own palm to stop the baby bear's excruciation. 
The mother bear was so despair and have no choice but to kill it's own child. 
The eyes fulled of helpless, the roaring sound of heartbreaking revealed how much the mother bear loves it's child. 
After the mother bear killed the baby bear in it's arm, the mother bear suicides itself.
Must we human built our own happiness in the others pain?


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