Tuesday 26 April 2011

I Want My Rights Back!!!!

Aren't they cute and adorable? 
Who's a dog lover please raise up you hands. 
I'm sure most of you raised up your hands and legs too. 
They are just too adorable and lovely, who will hates them. 
Unfortunately, there are people who treats them so badly like no body business. 
They think that abusing dogs are very fun and exited, 
some of them abuse dogs as a way of releasing their stress. 
There're people who are even more cruel, 
they will take pictures or record down how they abuse the dog 
and upload it up on the web to get themselves become famous. 
I was so surprised and heartbroken and angry when I heard this news. 
Dogs were actually used as shark bait on an island of Réunion, off Africa's east coast. 
In China, dog meat is sold as human food. 

Try to imagine, one day your life is forced to be used as bait for something 
or your meat is served as the others' food, what is your feeling? 
If these are you feeling, what about those dogs?! 
We human's life is a life, animal's life is also a life. 
We human has emotions and feelings, animal also has emotions and feelings. 
We human has human rights, animal also has animal rights! 

In the early stage, humans bring dogs when they went for hunting. 
This is because dogs can sense danger quickly and will protect their owner. 
Now a days, pet dogs help us to keep an eye on our house 
when we are out or sleeping to avoid thief. 
Some well trained dogs are used to assist police.
They help police to detect illicit substances such as drugs and explosives substances, chasing or detaining suspects, rescue or to find missing people and ect.
They are loyal
Dogs are our best friends. 
They are very faithful and loyal to their owner, 
they won't betray you if you built a strong relationship with them and treat them kindly. When you're sad or lonely, seeking for someone to accompany you or to talk to, 
they will always be the first choice. 
They're alway by your side when you fall
Although they can't talk or don't understand our language but they will always stay by your side and surprisingly most of them seem to understand your feelings. 
They understand how you feel
When you feel sad, they will feel sad; 
when you are happy, they will feel joyful. 
They share with you
You can always trust them or share your little secret with them 
and they won't ever disappoint you.
They are very helpful too
You might think that you don't kill dog or eat dog meat 
but when you were a kid or in the past, 
have you ever kick on a dog's ass or throwing a stone at them, 
don't give them food or bully them? 
If you did then you are abusing them and you can be caught and punish. 

We must treat dogs as part of our responsibility 
and treat them nicely especially the pet owners. 
The pet owners are responsible for their pets 
and must treat them as part of their family member. 
Pet owners should love their pets and take good care of them 
include both their physical and emotional care. 

Actually I was really stressed out when writing this post. 
I was so angry and heart broken when I saw all these dog abuse pictures. 
How can we human being so cruel and heartless to them? 
I hope that those abusers would repent for their shameless action 
and stop these cruel animal abusing!


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