Thursday 21 April 2011

This Is What You Do As A University Student

before he was sicked
after he was sick
My beloved grandpa just passed away last Saturday.
I...can't find a word to describe my feelings...
Looking grandpa suffering,gasping for his last breath,and another last breath of air,
I couldn't do anything for him,but only looking at his pale white face...
My heart really hurts a lot,tears rolling out from my eyes,down my cheeks,
dripping onto my pyjamas,my nose is red,its stuck,secreting more and more mucus...
I swear I don't cry often and I'm quite good at controlling my feelings 
but I can't control any more whenever I think of grandpa.
I really love him and miss him.
R.I.P grandpa...

I'm so sorry to start this post with such sad words and blue mood,
thousand of apologies.
Sigh...lost my N 5800 phone AGAIN(this is the second N 5800 phone I lost!),
missed whole week of classes,haven't write letter,
tones of assignment and lecturer notes waiting for me :( 
Okay,stop complaining!

Woke up with bengkak and panda eyes 
and running nose this morning cause didn't slept well last few days.
Went school as usual.Had IIT class 8 in the morning.
Changed a new template and need to write another post for IT blog.
The room was really really cold,my fingers were frozen like ice stick,
I can't feel my nose cause it was frozen too.
I was typing alphabet by alphabet using two fingers,it was so slow like a snail.
Finally the class ended and had fresh hot fries :) yummy ^^ my favorite <3 

After that is the most boring-est class ever---fundamental management
 with the strictest and most boring lecture---Ms Rosaline.
Almost fall asleep in her class,I tried my best-est to concentrate in her class 
and try to understand what she was talking but it ended useless.
Hope I won't get colorful marks for my test,at least get a pass 
cause I don't want to waste my time and my parents' money to retake the course.
Finally got alive again after the class.

Faiz's mate of the day---the bottle
Decided to go Sunway Pyramid with these awesome classmates 
from different country and different races and religious.
The guys played pool in the Student Life Center while waiting for the bus.
Reached our destination around 1.15pm,then straight away went Amp Square for karaoke session =D  
Well,it was a really great experience for me cause this is the first time I had karaoke session with different races people.
To be honest,I was a little worried before that.
I was worried could we get along with different races and languages cause some of them don't and can't speak Chinese,some of us can't speak or sing malay.
Miraculous,we still can coop perfectly and harmony with joys and laughter.
I really feel grateful and happy to meet all these awesome friends 
and have them as my classmates.
I hope we will create more happiness and memories together throughout our university life and meet more new friends.

over hyperactive people in the room yo
down from the left:Donson,Carena,Stephy,Auggie,XinYi
Later on,they went for lunch(is weird to call it lunch cause it was 5 something already).
I did not follow them cause *ehem I'm *ehem a good child *ehem ;P 
Yeap,so I went back by bus(as usual).
Just knew that the bus system changed,they don't accept cash anymore,
they only use the pink card with a rabbit picture in it(I don't know what it's called)
or Touch N Go,luckily I have one emergency Tough N Go card 
 that I got it from my mom.
It was so jammed on the LDP highway cause it was busy hour.
Suddenly,it rains halfway while I'm still stuck in the traffic jam,
luckily I brought my umbrella ^^.
The thunderstorms really freaked me out,I can feel that I kena a minor electric shock on my left hand and the stupid umbrella was spoiled,it was dripping on my head.
Reach home without key(luckily mom and sis were at home)like a drowned rat but overall it was a good day for me C:

*Photos are taken by  Faiz and edited by me


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