Friday 29 April 2011

Whose Are You Using

So pretty isn't it? 
Have you ever own something like this? 
Or have you ever had a consideration of having one of these? 
I bet most of you did. 
There's one question that stuck in my mind for very long time 
and I seriously don't understand. 
Why do people actually buy all these stuff ? 
To show off how rich you are? 
Or to show that you are the special one? 
To catch up with the trends? 
Do they really need it that much till they rather working days and nights 
and tie up their stomach for a few months to bring that piece of thing home? 

There really are people like that! 
Some of you might laugh or ridicule at them, 
maybe you will be the next one like them sooner or later. 
Who knows when the world is becoming more and more realistic that 
you need those stuff to show your identity? 
Before you purchase all these luxuries have you ever notice 
the tragedies behind the scene? 

Guess how many rabbits had sacrificed just to make one coat like this? 
More than 30 ! 
More that 30 rabbits' life just to make one! 
and there are more than thousand, millions of coat made of rabbit fur on this earth. 

Can you imagine how many life have to sacrifice 
and how much pain they suffer to suffice your vanity.  
Some seller even cruel, they will tear and cut the animal's skin when the animal is alive and in conscious! 
They said that this is to maintain the quality of the fur/skin and to keep in its best original skin shape of the animal. 
Imagine that if is our skin is torn apart from our flash? 
I am sure that non of us can stand the pain or would want to try it. 
How bout the animals? 
Do they really have they choice and what can they do other than struggling for chances, roaring for its terrible pain, hopeless groan...

When I was in secondary school, there was one video that I will never ever forget. 
My BM tuition teacher showed us this video, 
about how people extract bile juice from a bear. 
They don't kill the bears directly to get their bile juice but will inject a pipe from a machine into the its bile without any narcotic(to save money) 
to get continuous bile juice supply. 
They locked the baby bear in a small metal cage 
and started the process of bile juice extraction. 
The baby bear groaned so hopelessly and its eyes were so helpless 
and fulled of painfulness. 
The most inhumane thing was the mother bear of the baby bear was in another cage besides the baby bear's cage. 
How could a mother witness her own child is in such pain without doing anything even if it is an animal. 
The most incredible thing happened, the mother bear forced pull open the metal cage that it was locked in it and ran to the cage that locked the baby bear in. 
Using the same method to open the baby bear's cage, the mother bear hug it's child and then kill the baby bear with it's own palm to stop the baby bear's excruciation. 
The mother bear was so despair and have no choice but to kill it's own child. 
The eyes fulled of helpless, the roaring sound of heartbreaking revealed how much the mother bear loves it's child. 
After the mother bear killed the baby bear in it's arm, the mother bear suicides itself.
Must we human built our own happiness in the others pain?

Tuesday 26 April 2011

I Want My Rights Back!!!!

Aren't they cute and adorable? 
Who's a dog lover please raise up you hands. 
I'm sure most of you raised up your hands and legs too. 
They are just too adorable and lovely, who will hates them. 
Unfortunately, there are people who treats them so badly like no body business. 
They think that abusing dogs are very fun and exited, 
some of them abuse dogs as a way of releasing their stress. 
There're people who are even more cruel, 
they will take pictures or record down how they abuse the dog 
and upload it up on the web to get themselves become famous. 
I was so surprised and heartbroken and angry when I heard this news. 
Dogs were actually used as shark bait on an island of RĂ©union, off Africa's east coast. 
In China, dog meat is sold as human food. 

Try to imagine, one day your life is forced to be used as bait for something 
or your meat is served as the others' food, what is your feeling? 
If these are you feeling, what about those dogs?! 
We human's life is a life, animal's life is also a life. 
We human has emotions and feelings, animal also has emotions and feelings. 
We human has human rights, animal also has animal rights! 

In the early stage, humans bring dogs when they went for hunting. 
This is because dogs can sense danger quickly and will protect their owner. 
Now a days, pet dogs help us to keep an eye on our house 
when we are out or sleeping to avoid thief. 
Some well trained dogs are used to assist police.
They help police to detect illicit substances such as drugs and explosives substances, chasing or detaining suspects, rescue or to find missing people and ect.
They are loyal
Dogs are our best friends. 
They are very faithful and loyal to their owner, 
they won't betray you if you built a strong relationship with them and treat them kindly. When you're sad or lonely, seeking for someone to accompany you or to talk to, 
they will always be the first choice. 
They're alway by your side when you fall
Although they can't talk or don't understand our language but they will always stay by your side and surprisingly most of them seem to understand your feelings. 
They understand how you feel
When you feel sad, they will feel sad; 
when you are happy, they will feel joyful. 
They share with you
You can always trust them or share your little secret with them 
and they won't ever disappoint you.
They are very helpful too
You might think that you don't kill dog or eat dog meat 
but when you were a kid or in the past, 
have you ever kick on a dog's ass or throwing a stone at them, 
don't give them food or bully them? 
If you did then you are abusing them and you can be caught and punish. 

We must treat dogs as part of our responsibility 
and treat them nicely especially the pet owners. 
The pet owners are responsible for their pets 
and must treat them as part of their family member. 
Pet owners should love their pets and take good care of them 
include both their physical and emotional care. 

Actually I was really stressed out when writing this post. 
I was so angry and heart broken when I saw all these dog abuse pictures. 
How can we human being so cruel and heartless to them? 
I hope that those abusers would repent for their shameless action 
and stop these cruel animal abusing!

Saturday 23 April 2011

The Sun Is On The Way To Pyramid!!

Guess what is the topic of the day?
The Sun is on the Way to Pyramid.
Try make a wild guess.

Yes! Is Sunway Pyramid! 
The Sun is on the Way to Pyramid = Sunway Pyramid.
LOL. So, the another best place to go is Sunway Pyramid.
Did you though that this post for the topic "Best Place/s To Go" would be somewhere like Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong or Penang, Malacca, Ipoh? 
If you did, I'm so sorry because I'm not born in a rich family so we don't have the budget for far vacation but this place won't disappoint you. 

Sunway Pyramid is a distinctive retail landmark located in 
Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya. 
It was first opened in 1997 as Malaysia's first 
themed shopping and entertainment mall.
One of the it's most easily recognized designs is the 
Egyptian Pyramid with a lion head "standing guard" at the main entrance. 
Sunway Pyramid is also one of the only shopping malls 
in Malaysia to have an indoor ice skating rink.
The new wing of Sunway Pyramid, called the Pyramid 2 (or P-2), was opened in 2007. 
Other than just go for shoppings, unlike other normal shopping malls, 
Sunway Pyramid is the only shopping mall in Malaysia to have an 
indoor ice skating rink and you can go for ice skating just in Malaysia! 
You can catch up the latest movie show in the cinema, 
go for karaoke session, bowling session, pooling session 
and many more fun indoor activities with your friends or family. 
Other than that, there's an amusement park 
just next to it named Sunway Lagoon. 
It is also a very good place to go cause it has 
five different fun and amazing theme park: 
Extreme Park, Scream Park, Wildlife Park, Water Park and Amusement Park.

Sunway Pyramid is now my everyday visit station. 
Don't believe? Is true! 
Everyday, I take Taylor's bus to there 
and then take another bus (RapidKL U623) back home  after classes. 
Thats why I say it's my everyday must visit station. Haha. 
Besides that, they provide free shuttle bus 
going around Sunway Integrated Resort City such as 
Sunway Lagoon, Sunway University College, Sun-U Reesidence, 
Sunway Medical Center and ect
I always take their free shuttle bus to visit my friends who are 
studying in Sunway University College. 

To me, Sunway Pyramid is a very special place. 
It was the first place I went out with my best friend 
when we were secondary school kids. 
It was also the place I and my long lost contact primary friends had our first reunion. 
Other than that, I had my first small gathering with my PLKN friends from different area such as Shah Alam, Cheras, Sabah, Sarawak and other places. 
They came all the way far from their places by monorail, LRT, bus, plane and took them couple of hours to meet each other. 
I'm really touch of that. 
Until now, it was also the first place I went out with my university friends. 
There're lots of valuable memories of mine with my family and my friends. 
I believe that this place will bring more surprise 
and memorable memories for me in the future.

Friday 22 April 2011

You Can Get Anything Here!!!

Well, as you ask me one best place to go, immediately my mind pops out this. 
Look familiar right? 
No other than that is one of the most famous pharmacy in Malaysia--
Maybe most of you will that think why the hack a pharmacy can be a best place to go?There's no beautiful or interesting view there, 
not the so called "high class" place or whatever it is.
Whats so special about it?
To me, Guardian is one of the choices of best place to go. 
First of all let me introduce you a bit of this and that about Guardian.

In 1967, Guardian was a mere 200 square feet pharmacy at the 
Weld in Jalan Raja Chulan catering to the expatriate community. 
Today they have transformed into the largest Pharmacy, Health 
and Beauty retail chain in Malaysia, 
offering goods and services to more than 27 million Malaysian consumers.
They provide an extensive range of health, beauty products, 
pharmaceutical products and services.
Their brand is truly recognized and acclaimed by the customers,
 thus a reminiscence of their motto:
 ''The One you Trust''.

You can get your daily life products here,from head to toes such as , foods, 
stationary, health care products, cosmetic products and many more. 
Today, there are many Guardian retail chain located all over in Malaysia. 
I really love hanging in Guardian. 
Do you believe that I can hang just in Guardian itself for more than two hours? 
Yes! I really do! 
different brands of shampoos from Guardian
First of all, I can purchase most of my daily life products there with multiple choices and brands from different country with high quality. 

Other than that, they have many retail chain all over Malaysia, 
for examples, in shopping centers, commercial district, and even in the kampung area. 

Besides that, they provides professional counter assistances 
who can give us useful advices and consultations. 
I always get useful guidance from them when buying health care products and cosmetics products such as shampoo, vitamin tablets, skin care products, and more. 
fans of these two brands products <3
One of the most important reason I love to go there is because they always have 
mark down sales and promotions such as 
annual sales, anniversary sales, New Year Sales, Mother Day promotion and ect. 
All those sales are the best time to get some stock in your house. 
For those who are stingy like me would not miss all those mark down sales 
and it really helps us save lots of money. 

Sometimes you can collect points when are buying the goods to exchange their limited edition products like useful recycle bag, umbrella, toys and more.


Further more, all their products are arranged systematically according to categories 
so you can find your needs very easily. 
most of these goodies are from Guardian
really a big fan of Guardian huh

Thursday 21 April 2011

This Is What You Do As A University Student

before he was sicked
after he was sick
My beloved grandpa just passed away last Saturday.
I...can't find a word to describe my feelings...
Looking grandpa suffering,gasping for his last breath,and another last breath of air,
I couldn't do anything for him,but only looking at his pale white face...
My heart really hurts a lot,tears rolling out from my eyes,down my cheeks,
dripping onto my pyjamas,my nose is red,its stuck,secreting more and more mucus...
I swear I don't cry often and I'm quite good at controlling my feelings 
but I can't control any more whenever I think of grandpa.
I really love him and miss him.
R.I.P grandpa...

I'm so sorry to start this post with such sad words and blue mood,
thousand of apologies.
Sigh...lost my N 5800 phone AGAIN(this is the second N 5800 phone I lost!),
missed whole week of classes,haven't write letter,
tones of assignment and lecturer notes waiting for me :( 
Okay,stop complaining!

Woke up with bengkak and panda eyes 
and running nose this morning cause didn't slept well last few days.
Went school as usual.Had IIT class 8 in the morning.
Changed a new template and need to write another post for IT blog.
The room was really really cold,my fingers were frozen like ice stick,
I can't feel my nose cause it was frozen too.
I was typing alphabet by alphabet using two fingers,it was so slow like a snail.
Finally the class ended and had fresh hot fries :) yummy ^^ my favorite <3 

After that is the most boring-est class ever---fundamental management
 with the strictest and most boring lecture---Ms Rosaline.
Almost fall asleep in her class,I tried my best-est to concentrate in her class 
and try to understand what she was talking but it ended useless.
Hope I won't get colorful marks for my test,at least get a pass 
cause I don't want to waste my time and my parents' money to retake the course.
Finally got alive again after the class.

Faiz's mate of the day---the bottle
Decided to go Sunway Pyramid with these awesome classmates 
from different country and different races and religious.
The guys played pool in the Student Life Center while waiting for the bus.
Reached our destination around 1.15pm,then straight away went Amp Square for karaoke session =D  
Well,it was a really great experience for me cause this is the first time I had karaoke session with different races people.
To be honest,I was a little worried before that.
I was worried could we get along with different races and languages cause some of them don't and can't speak Chinese,some of us can't speak or sing malay.
Miraculous,we still can coop perfectly and harmony with joys and laughter.
I really feel grateful and happy to meet all these awesome friends 
and have them as my classmates.
I hope we will create more happiness and memories together throughout our university life and meet more new friends.

over hyperactive people in the room yo
down from the left:Donson,Carena,Stephy,Auggie,XinYi
Later on,they went for lunch(is weird to call it lunch cause it was 5 something already).
I did not follow them cause *ehem I'm *ehem a good child *ehem ;P 
Yeap,so I went back by bus(as usual).
Just knew that the bus system changed,they don't accept cash anymore,
they only use the pink card with a rabbit picture in it(I don't know what it's called)
or Touch N Go,luckily I have one emergency Tough N Go card 
 that I got it from my mom.
It was so jammed on the LDP highway cause it was busy hour.
Suddenly,it rains halfway while I'm still stuck in the traffic jam,
luckily I brought my umbrella ^^.
The thunderstorms really freaked me out,I can feel that I kena a minor electric shock on my left hand and the stupid umbrella was spoiled,it was dripping on my head.
Reach home without key(luckily mom and sis were at home)like a drowned rat but overall it was a good day for me C:

*Photos are taken by  Faiz and edited by me