Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Two And A Half Months

"How was your NS life?"
"Ok la, not as tough as I thought."
"Are you sure?"
"If you're those very active person in outdoor camping then is ok la, but if for those 'little princess' or mama's boy  they'll say is like a hell to them. I was a Girl Guide so I always go outdoor camping."
"You don't bluff me la. You look so weak and so small size."
Yes, thats what my friends say when they ask me how was NS and I replied like that, 
especially in college because they still don't know me that well yet. 
They always miss judged me as those mama's little girl. 
Don't you people judge a book by its cover okay! I'm not as weak as my appearance! 
Kem Muafakat at Taman Rimba Konmanwel, Rawang
This is what I call team work!
Went jungle trekking, played in the waterfall, got bitten by leaches and  bleed not stop
By the way, thats not topic of the day. 
So today's topic is my life in PLKN (Program Latihan Khidmat Negara) 
aka NS (National Service). 
Well, whats the first thing that pops out of your mind when you heard about PLKN or NS? 
1)I don't want to go. 
2)Get bald. 
3)Come out from there like an African. 
4)People died in there. 
5)Coach with wicked smile and rattan in hand. 
I bet most of you are afraid of going the camp and pray for not to get selected to go there. 
Some would rather be a deserter giving stupid reason to escape from going PLKN. 
but I was the other way round. 
When I told my friends and my family that I wished to go NS, 
they looked at me like a weirdo(maybe I am really a weirdo). 
I tried to persuade my parents to let me go when after I received the massage from the JLKN(Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara) informing I was selected to join PLKN. 
Finally they agree but with condition. It must be the first badge and is in Selangor. 
I was so happy and exited when the name list for the first badge was out and my name was in it. 
Plus on, my campsite is in Selangor named Kem Setia Ikhlas, Semenyih, the best campsite ever! 

The first week still can go along with it but in the second week, my face was fulled of pimples and my dark circle was as big as the sunglasses because lack of sleep for one week. 
A normal person need at least 6-8 hours of sleep time a day but I only slept approximate 3 hours a day! 
It was like hell for me to slept at 1AM and woke up at 4AM(wake by the noises made by the Muslims for their solat time) every day. 
But as time goes it went better with those disturbances and had learnt how to manage my time when there are too many inevitable stuff to do. 

The first and half month actually not much of physical activity. 
They were more concentrated on our mental patriotism so most of our time were spent in the class room. 
At first I though it will be very boring but all the fun activities proved that I was wrong. 
The coach there were very fun, they will "wash brain" us through some fun and excited games. 
They will try their very best to make the class as energetic as possible. 

Later on, there were more physical activities such as marching practice, sports, kayak, camping, TTS(Tempuk Tanpa Senjata aka self defence skill)  and  more. 
There were a few fun and excited activities that I really fell in love with 
such as flying fox and abseiling. 
Some of the girls were so scared and I never knew that they can scared till cried 
and pee in their pants. 
I was so lucky and proud that I was chosen among 700+ pelatih(trying to show off 
because only a few of us can do the flying fox and abseiling perfectly including me) 
to perform my abseiling skill during the open day in front of so many people including my family 
and the respected Komandan Kem(he's really a nice and kind commandant). 
But you always have to sacrifice something in order to gain something. 
6 of us that were chosen to perform have to practice every day and is a torture. 
We have to run at least 3 to 5 rounds around the lake(one round about 800meters), 
sit up and push up(at least 30 times each), not ergonomic stretching, 
climbing up and down 3 floors non stop, and ect.
Flying Fox

Another unforgettable experience I only experience once in my life time was gun shooting. 
I was so look forward to this activity and excited that 
I actually had a sleepless night the day before it. 
Many of them can't aim the shooting point properly. 
We were suppose to aim for the circle on the board but some of them shoot on the number 
and I laughed at one of my friend who shot on the opponent's target. 
Surprisingly there are people can't even get a bullet shot on the board, not a even one mark. 
By the way I got all 20 bullets shot on the board and got 85 marks(trying to show off again) 
while most of my friends got 0.

There were two bad things that I don't like was when you bathe, the water supply will suddenly cut off due to too many people using water to bath at one time and I was always the victim. 
The second thing was our wirawati dorm was on the hill, so we have to climb up and down the hill more than 5 rounds per day with our bags, uniforms shoes 
and spike boots which added up to around 5-10 kg. 
Day by day, my calves became more and more muscular and because of this, 
I always got muscle cramp on my calves.

You really have to participate into all the activities, then only you will feel the funs and joys. 
I told myself that I must make my once and only NS life memorable 
and with no regret when I get older. 
I always imagine when I'm old, white hair, wrinkled skin and hunchbacked sitting on a rattan chair surrounded by my grandchildren, telling them the nostalgia moments in my NS life. 
I really gain a lot through out this program. 
I was once very afraid of giving out my ideas and speaks in front of the crowd. 
When ever I stand in front of the masses, my legs and hands will never stop shivering, my face and lip will turn pale white and my body temperature will decrease before I could hear my voice. 
I had learnt to present myself in front of the crowds more bravely 
and more confidence after joining this program.
I met a lot of people from different walks and places with different religious, 
different cultures and different personality. 
We were strangers that never met before, slowly became friends and we mixed together 
without the obstacle of skin colors and languages. 
They are really kind and helpful, I always received their help whenever I'm in trouble. 
I really miss and will never forget the moments we spent together with joys and laughter, joking and fooling around, doing silly things, laugh like mad people 
and then received weird expression from the others.
I miss my lovely friends, I miss my campsite, I miss my life in there 
and I miss my cutest coaches ever. 
I really do miss them a lot... 

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